One method used to measure flour color is the Minolta Chroma Meter Test.
Method 1. A sample of flour is placed on the granular materials attachment and compacted.
2. The Minolta Chroma Meter is inserted into the granular materials attachment.
3. Measurements are taken and recorded.
• Flour color is determined by measuring the whiteness of a flour sample with the Minolta Chroma Meter.
• Flour color results are reported in terms of 3-dimensional color values based on the following rating scale:
L* value whiteness 100 white
0 black
a* value positive values +60 red color
negative values –60 green color
b* value positive values +60 yellow color
negative values –60 blue color
• The color values of a typical white flour, for example, are:
L* value +92.5 whiteness
a* value –2.4 green color
b* value +6.9 yellow color
Why is this important?
Flour color often affects the color of the finished product and is therefore one of many flour specifications required by end-users. Generally speaking, a bright white color flour is more desirable for many products.
Adapted from Minolta Chroma Meter CR-310 Instruction Manual, Minolta Camera Co., Ltd. 1991.